Preserve the Warehouse
The A.D. German Warehouse Conservancy, Inc. (ADGWC) was established in Sept. of 2013. ADGWC, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to the renovation of the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed A.D. German Warehouse (National Register of Historic Places 1974). We are committed to see this building redeveloped and occupied with a stable primary use compatible with the building and a heritage tourism program.
All donations are tax-deductible:
P.O. Box 436
Richland Center, WI
Recent activities include:
The ADGWC, Inc. purchased AD Germans Original 1912 Warehouse adjacent to the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed warehouse which is integral to our development plans; it is currently being used to provide both event space and an educational resource center.
The design plans for the restoration of the Warehouse have been revised as they move through the historic preservation process;
Fundraising is an ongoing process in order to restore this iconic property.
ADGWC, Inc. received a grant of $12,700 from the USDA to assist in exploring potential uses.
ADGWC, Inc. launched the Legacy Terrace Paver program to allow people to have their name, a business name, or the name of someone they want to honor or remember engraved in a paver to be used in a designated area in the property.
ADGWC, Inc. completed the 100 Extraordinary Women segment, which has now received $1000 pledges from 104 women who will be recognized for their generous donations in a unique way in the restoration of the Warehouse.
ADGWC, Inc. has received state and federal historic tax credits that could potentially bring up to $1,300,000 to the project;
ADGWC, Inc. received the very competitive Save America’s Treasures Grant, of $360,000 matching grant (totaling $720,000) for restoration.
In November of 2020 the roof and drainage project was completed.
In 2021 we received the TAWANI Foundation Grant of $150,000.
2021 construction work consists of frieze restoration and other exterior work.
Our Calendar of Events continues to draw people of all ages to Richland Center and helps us refine our plans for the Event Space.
ADGWC, Inc. is thankful for the continued support from individuals both near and far of all monetary sizes as well as the support of local businesses who have graciously donated $10,000 each.;
ADGWC, Inc. is working with the City to determine sources for any potential funding;
ADGWC, Inc. is also researching additional private foundation and public funding sources as well as individuals
ADGWC, Inc. is thankful for the ongoing support from individuals near and far as well as donations of all sizes.

300 South Church Street
P.O. Box 436
Richland Center, WI 53581
Tel: 608-383-3336